Thursday, March 27, 2014

Panecal v5.0.3

The Panecal is an editable expressions scientific calculator. The Panecal can indicate expressions on a multi-line display, allowing you to prevent input mistakes. In addition, moving the cursor on the display can basically change expressions.
* Re-editable and re-callable expressions
* Result and expressions history
* Decimal, Binary, octal, and hexadecimal
* Base conversions
* Main memory and 6 variable memories
* Percentages
* Arithmetic, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic function, power, power root function, factorial, and absolution.
* DEG, RAD, GRAD modes.
* Floating-point, Fixed-point, Scientific and Engineering display modes.
* Configurable decimal separator and grouping separator
* Configurable number of bits for base conversions
* BS key, DEL key, INS key.
* Landscape mode
* Key input confirmation by vibration and orange colors
[System environment]
Android OS two.1 to two.3.x
Android OS three.x, four.x


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